Friday, March 9, 2012

Decorating the Moon

When you get a flare-up of an auto-immune disease one of the first things the doctor prescribes is more prednisone until things get back under control. Those of you who have had this miracle drug know that with it comes a few negative side affects. One of them might be that you find your face has lost its natural contours and is now round until you taper back off the prednisone. This side affect is called "moon-face". All of a sudden, almost overnight, you look like you've put on several pounds and your face is all puffed up. Gosh, I wish the doctor would prescribe me my own make up artist!

But seeing how that is NOT the case and life must go on, I need to get ready to face the day. I've worn make up for years and for those of us who use these wonderful products it means on occasion we have to "decorate the moon". First, I study my face in the magnifying mirror - an added horror as I observe the swollen cheeks and sunken eyes, but a magnifying mirror is necessary at my age due to reduced vision! Oh well, on to the make up...after I put on foundation its time for some special affects. Where are those cheekbones for the cosmetic blush? Let's see, they should be about right here an inch or two under the eyes; which are sunken in a bit by the swollen flesh of my moon-face, but I forge on! After some deliberation I carefully place the blush to define some cheeks and create definition. (By tilting my head up and slightly to the side I can imagine I've succeeded in achieving the desired affect). Now it is time for eye make-up. Oh oh, with those sunken in eyes and dark circles it means I need to resort to a little concealer magic. Finally, a bit of lip color, add earrings and voila! I'm ready to face the day.

Recently I bought myself a great pair of sunglasses. Isn't it great that large sunglasses are back in style? Now if I could just see where I was going with them on indoors that would be terrific!

Maybe what I need to work on isn't my make up but instead is...I Peter 3:4 "Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel, rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God."


  1. Janette,
    I just LOVE the title of this post...I'm sure I'll steal it down the road somewhere. lol What a great attitude regarding medication side effects. I was born with a round face so I've been applying "faux cheekbones" all my life! sometimes I think the fact that I'm taking the time to "decorate the moon" is more therapeutic in helping me "face" the day than the fact that I am actually trying to work makeup magic on this ever aging face!

    Prayers for you always!

    1. Hi Paula - I loved your comment. It gave me a smile. My mom had a round face too and use to laugh at herself as she did her makeup. Dad had the wisdom to tell her "makeup would only detract from your beauty". :-)

  2. Janette....while reading your post I could sooooo relate and I don't take that drug lol....I think it is called 50s for me...going thru the age of the 50s. I have to put basic makeup on just to recognize myself in the mirror. Yep, I too use that magnifier mirror..and it is like Wow...when did all that stuff appear (wrinkles) .. but as soon as I put that lip color on and step away from the magnifier, I am so happy to be celebrating the day and God's plan for me .. love you girl....Susan and Breezy ;)
