Every RA article you read includes a reminder to exercise. In the days prior to my life changing diagnosis, lengthly walks were one of my favorite pasttimes. There was always so much to see and hear as you walked along enjoying the view and fresh air. If someone asked me what I miss most prior to RA, it would be my solitary walks. It was therapuetic thinking and praying time for me. It was restorative, energizing, and the list goes on...Ahhh!!!!
So now I'm encouraged to continue exercising but I am learning how to modify traditional exercise to an RA friendly version that can be effective for me now. For example:
Exercise #1: Morning stretches- Several years ago, my chiropractor taught me some preventative stretching exercises to help my lower back. I still do these stretches every single morning before getting up. Although the location has changed from the floor to the bed (I'd like to get on the floor but that would mean I'd have to get UP from the floor! Now, THAT would be heart pumping exercise!).
Exercise #2: Standing up straight - who'd of thunk it but that is exercise for me. Getting and keeping my shoulders properly positioned and my back erect takes more effort now and "muscle memory" throughout the day. Anyone who has dealt with chronic pain knows it makes you curl forward - sort of in a self protecting stance. To straighten up with correct posture takes effort and even more effort to maintain. So to me this is exercise to work at throughout the day. "Sit up straight", yup, Mom was right!
Exercise #3: Walking - I still go for walks but sometimes I might need a cane. Now I walk with a slow, deliberate pace instead of fast and energetic like the old days, but believe me I'm still expending a lot of energy. When time allows I will walk a bit on my lunch hour. There is an area near my office building that is fairly flat and easy for me to handle. The hills of Idyllwild are presently too difficult for me. Strangely I can handle the "up" pretty well but the "down" side is painful on my knees and legs. AND what goes up must come down!
Exercise #4: Yoga for Arthritis - My younger daughter gave me this great DVD and I can do a few segments of it pretty well. I love the reminder to breathe through every movement. Just breathe! Such a restorative thing to do as I fill my lungs with good air and in the exhale, release tension and pain. Wonderfully restful yet energizing!
It is a treat when we plan a shopping day and I can manage the walking that entails but I have learned now more than ever that we live just one day at a time. I try and enjoy the day out, and though there might be a few rest stops needed, it is wonderful to be with a family member or a friend for the day.
I'll try to keep focusing on God's amazing wonderfulness and see the gift of each day as it is precious and not to be squandered. OOPS! I should add Exercise #5 which is the most important! Keep the Faith!
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