So much has happened in this past year! First of all, I fell off the blogger wagon. So I thought it would be a good idea to do a bit of a catch up.
in January of 2013, I was scheduled to have knee replacement surgery. One of the requirements was to withdraw from nearly all the medications that helped me handle RA. This proved very challenging and I don't know when I felt more pain and discomfort than during that time. However, the hope that the knee surgery would eventually prove beneficial to me kept my eyes on the prize.
A few days prior to surgery, I had an EKG which showed a new development: (drumroll would be in order), I had significant heart damage and for now the surgery was OFF! A new chapter and adventure for this little RA soldier began! The final diagnosis regarding the heart is, there is left bundle branch block and cardiomyopathy. The damaged area of my heart was functioning under 20% so that explained the exhaustion and weakness I was experiencing.
My weakened heart put me in the hospital a couple of times which meant lots of fun tests were now in store. Oh, how I learned more about God's faithfulness through this new chapter in my life! The RA took a back seat as medications were adjusted and tried in order to help my heart work more effectively. Many tests and months later, it was determined that the heart was damaged at the time the RA began due to a severe flu that attacked my heart as well as activated the RA in my system.
The Humira and a couple of other meds were discontinued and they started me on Orencia. Now that the heart condition is being treated with medication and the RA meds have been changed up, I am rejoicing to say. "I have been in remission for about 8 months!" There have been a few tough days but NOTHING to compare with how I felt prior to remission. My rheumotologist is THRILLED, too!
One of my favorite changes this has brought to me is that I am regaining strength steadily and am once again able to enjoy walks (using my trusty walker) and exercising in the pool at the clubhouse. YAY! It has been such a blessing to feel like my old self! Now I can contribute and take part in family functions much like the good old days. Before remission, I had to be content to observe the activity around me, other than help in the kitchen and actively play with the grandchildren. So, isn't this marvelous?!
I have had knee injections two times and for me they seem to positively affect my entire body and all the joints where I suffered with RA.
However, the long time use of steroids for nearly 6 years and the injections have taken their toll on me with unwelcome weight gain. But in this there have been lessons there too! I am now using an APP on my phone called "Lose it" to help me count calories and exercise. It amazed me how out of touch I was with the calorie content of foods. So slowly and steadily I have dropped a few pounds and am going in the right direction there at last. With every pound I lose it relieves my knee joints by 5 pounds! I like that math equation! "Slow and steady wins the race" and that is one of my mantras. The alternative to losing slowly is not acceptable for me as I hope to continue to regain and maintain a good activity level while reducing avoidable stress on my joints.
Please stop by and comment if you have any questions. I would love to hear from you! God bless you in every way, dear sisters and brothers, who struggle with the challenge of auto immune diseases. May God guide us all on the journey we are travelling.